Self-portrait, mix of audiovisual collage and 2D animation, 2018.
Credit titles for "Chair", stop-motion, 2019.
Trailer "Demon" for Barcelona opera house, 2018.
Demo trailer for "Va De Forja" forging company, 2019.
Time-lapse video of my van self-building, 2020.
Playground video, 2018.
Short film 125m³, stop-motion, 2018.
Short film "Si fa soroll", 2019.
"Les mil i una nits" generational poetry piece, mix of collage using private and public material, 2017.
"Petits testimonis de l'1-O" interview, 2D animation, 2017.
Trailer for "The Influencers" Festival in Barcelona, 2017.
Gif made with Processing, 2018.
Forged archer gif for vadeFroja company, 2019.
Mold of my hand with fingertips jewelry, 2021.
© 2022 by Anna Cabiscol